
Is The Rapier Loom A Textile Trend? Suntech Shares With You How To Choose A Rapier Loom

  Is The Rapier Loom A Textile Trend? Suntech Shares With You How To Choose A Rapier Loom November 09,2021 I  Events Textiles are a labor-intensive industry. Although the technical content is not high, it is always an important industry in all countries and plays a pivotal role in the economies of all countries. Because the biggest contribution of the textile industry to the global economy is to solve a large number of labor employment problems. China is the world’s largest textile producer and exporter. According to the statistics of the Textile Industry Association, China’s fiber processing capacity will be 24 million tons in 2020, accounting for about 38% of the world’s production capacity. The textile industry is one of the traditional manufacturing industries that absorb the most employment. China's textile industry currently employs 18 million people directly and more than 100 million people indirectly... Although the software industry that India is proud of has also contribu

Suntech Intelligent Machinery To Help The Development Of Textile

  Suntech Intelligent Machinery To Help The Development Of Textile December 24,2021 I  Events Analysis of the textile machinery market situation, suntech intelligent machinery to help the development of textile     Textile industry overview WTO published data show that the countries' exports stagnated in 2021, the economic slowdown in major economies, and weak demand, which adversely affects the textile and apparel manufacturing industry. In particular, the field of textile machinery is facing many challenges after the pandemic. At the beginning of the pandemic, many governments, such as Switzerland, a leader in textile machinery manufacturing, provided various support services to the ailing industry, envisioning a favorable environment for companies to access credit at 0% interest rates. However, this assistance is now winding down, and many textile companies are expected to become more difficult next year.(try suntech  weaving cloth machine )   Impact of COVID on the value chain

Suntech Rapier Loom Helps Textile Production

  Suntech Rapier Loom Helps Textile Production December 27,2021 I  Events The whole weaving process includes winding, warping, sizing, drawing-in, weaving, and finishing, of which the most critical is the weaving process. Weaving is the process in which the machine drives the yarn to bend around and cross-wrap regularly to form a piece with a stable structure, and a loom must be used. Modern loom mainly includes shuttle loom and shuttleless loom, with the development needs of the times, the current use of more rapier loom. What are the common problems in the use of rapier looms?  Suntech  would like to share with you some general knowledge about the use of rapier looms.(try suntech  rapier loom )   1、What is the effect of opening shed time on the quality of fabric? When the opening time is early, the shed is clear and there will be fewer weaving faults. However, when the shuttle is opened early and the closure is also early, the rapier is more powerful in squeezing the warp yarn, and t

The Anti-Plastic Movement Is Gaining Momentum, And Non-Woven Bags Have Become The New Favorites. Suntech Non-Woven Bags Machines Help The

  The Anti-Plastic Movement Is Gaining Momentum, And Non-Woven Bags Have Become The New Favorites. Suntech Non-Woven Bags Machines Help The Plastic bags have been flooded all over the world. We call it "white pollution", that is, solid waste formed by the disposal of various plastic products made of polystyrene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride and other high-molecular compounds.   The plastic has a stable structure and is not easily degraded by natural microorganisms. It takes more than 200 years for non-degradable plastic bags to rot naturally, which is a great harm to the environment. It takes more than three tons of oil to produce one ton of plastic, and the massive use of plastic bags is not conducive to energy conservation.(Why not try  non-woven bag machines ) Plastic bags contain many harmful substances, which are harmful to the human body(Non-woven bags are harmless to human body): 1. Benzopyrene The coloring agent used in colorful plastic bags contains benzopyrene,

300000 People Fleeing London On Christmas Eve? On The Way Home, You And I Will Go With You. Christmas Benefits Are Invited To You

  300000 People Fleeing London On Christmas Eve? On The Way Home, You And I Will Go With You. Christmas Benefits Are Invited To You Christmas is coming, Because the covid-19, it was a festival but became a funeral. The epidemic broke out again in the European continent. Recently, due to the discovery of a variant of the COVID-19 that has a spread of 70% higher than the original strain in the UK, the UK announced that the epidemic prevention and control level in some areas such as London will be upgraded to the highest level, Tier 4 (Tier 4). The Secretary of Health of the United Kingdom said that the new strain has gone out of control, and that the new variant of the covid-19 has spread to the European continent. The UK has been "blocked" by many countries. Countries such as Italy, France, the Netherlands, Belgium and other countries have announced the suspension of flights to the UK.( Click to share to LinkedIn ) London, which is about to be blocked, also began to stage a &q