
The Anti-Plastic Movement Is Gaining Momentum, And Non-Woven Bags Have Become The New Favorites. Suntech Non-Woven Bags Machines Help The


The Anti-Plastic Movement Is Gaining Momentum, And Non-Woven Bags Have Become The New Favorites. Suntech Non-Woven Bags Machines Help The

Plastic bags have been flooded all over the world. We call it "white pollution", that is, solid waste formed by the disposal of various plastic products made of polystyrene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride and other high-molecular compounds.


The plastic has a stable structure and is not easily degraded by natural microorganisms. It takes more than 200 years for non-degradable plastic bags to rot naturally, which is a great harm to the environment. It takes more than three tons of oil to produce one ton of plastic, and the massive use of plastic bags is not conducive to energy conservation.(Why not try non-woven bag machines

Plastic bags contain many harmful substances, which are harmful to the human body(Non-woven bags are harmless to human body):

1. Benzopyrene

The coloring agent used in colorful plastic bags contains benzopyrene, which is highly carcinogenic. Benzopyrene will enter the food when it comes into contact with food, causing people to be chronically poisoned.

2. Plasticizer

When people touch the food in the plastic bag, the plasticizer that separates from the surface of the plastic bag will enter the body and endanger the health. Long-term exposure to plasticizers can cause damage to the liver and even induce liver cancer. Male exposure to plasticizers can affect fertility and even cause infertility. Girls exposed to plasticizers can cause precocious puberty. Plasticizers can also damage the child's reproductive organs.

3. Phthalates

Plastic products contain phthalates, which can destroy insulin production and increase the risk of type 2 diabetes in the elderly. Plastic bags also contain harmful substances such as heavy metals and dyes, especially when the food is too hot and oily, more harmful substances will be precipitated.

As plastic products are harmful to the environment and humans, the momentum of the international anti-plastic bag movement is gradually increasing(Promote the use of non-woven bags):

Bangladesh has banned the use of plastic bags. Those who import or sell plastic bags can be sentenced to up to 10 years in prison, and those who issue plastic bags will be sentenced to six months in prison. Before this ban, 9.5 million people in the capital Dhaka consumed 10 million plastic bags every day. After the promulgation of the ban, 315 plastic bag production plants across the country were closed, and the use of plastic bags was reduced by 90%.

Bhutan, which focuses on agriculture and is known for its environmental awareness, has banned the use of plastic bags since 1999.

The San Francisco City Council passed a bill prohibiting supermarkets, pharmacies and other retailers from using chemical plastic bags in March 2007, becoming the first American city to ban plastics. The bill stipulates that local retailers are only allowed to provide customers with paper bags, cloth bags or biodegradable bioplastic bags made from corn by-products. Chemical plastic bags are strictly prohibited.

Germany does not ban plastic bags, but strictly controls the consumption of plastic bags. Since the 1970s, German supermarkets have stopped providing free plastic bags. In the "Packaging Regulations" promulgated in 1991, Germany requires producers and operators to assume the obligation to recycle and reuse packaging materials.

Ireland has taken measures to restrict the use of plastic bags: a tax of 15 Euro cents is imposed on each plastic bag. This tax has reduced the use of plastic bags in Ireland by 90%.

South Africa introduced a law in May 2003 to prohibit the production and import of plastic bags with a thickness of less than 80 microns (later relaxed to less than 30 microns). Violators can be punished with a maximum of 100,000 rand (about 13,000 US dollars). Fine and may go to jail.

Banning plastic bags will become a global trend, but without plastic bags, life will be inconvenient. What kind of bag can be as light and easy to use as plastic bags, low in price, and environmentally friendly?

Research has found that non-woven bags are the best alternative to plastic bags. It has the following advantages:

1.Economic effect

non-woven bags can be used repeatedly, and the loss rate is lower than that of plastic bags. Although the single cost is higher than that of plastic bags, due to the long use time, one non-woven bag can be worth hundreds or even thousands. Tens of thousands of plastic bags are cheaper to use.


non-woven bags have strong toughness and are not easy to wear, unlike plastic bags that are thin and easy to break. And the non-woven bag is waterproof, feels good, and looks beautiful.


3.Advertising effect

non-woven bags are easier to print patterns, and the color expression is more vivid, which can bring more obvious advertising benefits.

4.Environmental protection and public welfare value

non-woven bags are made of non-woven fabrics. Non-woven fabrics are degradable and environmentally friendly materials. At the same time, non-woven bags can be used repeatedly, which greatly reduces the pressure of waste conversion.

Non-woven bags will be the future trend. At present, more and more plastic bag manufacturers have switched to producing non-woven bags, and the demand for non-woven machines and non-woven machines is increasing.

Suntech focuses on the manufacture of non-woven bag machines and supplies non-woven materials,non-woven bags. With 46 years of equipment manufacturing experience and technological precipitation, Suntech designs and manufactures every non-woven bags equipment with the standard of "China Seiko Intelligent Manufacturing", pursuing perfection and excellence. We take the global environmental protection business as our own responsibility. Welcome to inquire in detail.



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