
Suntech Intelligent Machinery To Help The Development Of Textile


Suntech Intelligent Machinery To Help The Development Of Textile

Analysis of the textile machinery market situation, suntech intelligent machinery to help the development of textile



Textile industry overview

WTO published data show that the countries' exports stagnated in 2021, the economic slowdown in major economies, and weak demand, which adversely affects the textile and apparel manufacturing industry. In particular, the field of textile machinery is facing many challenges after the pandemic. At the beginning of the pandemic, many governments, such as Switzerland, a leader in textile machinery manufacturing, provided various support services to the ailing industry, envisioning a favorable environment for companies to access credit at 0% interest rates. However, this assistance is now winding down, and many textile companies are expected to become more difficult next year.(try suntech weaving cloth machine


Impact of COVID on the value chain of the textile industry

Within the textile value chain, all sectors, from spinning mills to apparel producers, have seen a significant decline in orders. In addition, integrated producers appear to perform slightly better at -26%, while other sectors are expected to see their turnover fall by -31% to -34% in 2020.


Across all segments of the global textile value chain, order declines range from -37% to -46%. Compared to 2020, turnover in 2021 is down by -26% to -34%.(try suntech jacquard machine


Market Landscape of Textile Machinery

The International Textile Manufacturers Federation (ITMF) has released its latest analysis of the global textile machinery market. 2020 global shipments of spinning machines, bombers, weaving machines, knitting machines, and finishing machines are all down compared to 2019. Deliveries of new staple spindles, open-end spinning cups, and long fiber spindles declined by 20%, 20%, and 66%, respectively. The number of stretch-deformed spindles shipped declined 4.5 percent, and the number of shuttleless loom deliveries declined 0.5 percent.


Shipments of large circular knitting machines fell by 1.2%, while shipments of flat knitting machines dropped by 40%. Total deliveries in the finishing sector also declined by an average of 2%.(try suntech machine loom weaving


Spinning Machinery

Total staple spindle shipments decreased by about 1.7 million to 6.96 million spindles in 2020. The majority of new staple spindles (92%) were shipped to Asia and Oceania, where deliveries declined by 20%. While levels remained relatively low, shipments to Africa and South America increased by 150% and 120%, respectively. The top six investors in staple fiber are China, India, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.


In 2020, a total of 563,600 open rotors will be shipped worldwide. This is a decrease of 147,500 units compared to 2019. Ninety percent of global shipments go to Asia and Oceania, with deliveries down 21 percent to 517,000 units. Indonesia and Pakistan, the world's fifth and sixth largest open rotor investors, increased their investments by 120% and 15%, respectively. 2020 investments in China, Vietnam, India, and Uzbekistan, the world's first through fourth largest investors, declined by an average of 48%.


Global long-staple (wool) spindle shipments decline from 120,000 in 2019 to nearly 40,000 in 2020 (66%). This impact is primarily due to lower deliveries to Europe (72%) and South America (80%). 80% of total deliveries go to China and India.(try suntech machine loom weaving

Circular and flat knitting machines

Global shipments of large circular knitting machines decline by 1.2% in 2020. The Asia and Oceania region is the leading global investor in this category, accounting for 86% of global shipments. China is the most popular destination, accounting for 61% of all deliveries. India and Vietnam ranked second and third, respectively.


The electronic flat knitting machine segment decreases by 40% in 2020. Asia and Oceania are the main destinations for these machines, accounting for 92% of world shipments. Despite a decrease in investment from 122,550 to 68,760 units, China remains the world's largest investor with an 80% share.(try suntech rapier loom


Weaving Machinery

In 2020, global shuttleless loom shipments decline by 0.6%. Shipments in the "air jet" and "rapier and pellet" categories declined by 7.7% and 22%, respectively. Deliveries of water-jet looms increased 12 percent, and the leading destinations for shuttleless looms in 2020 were Asia and Oceania, which accounted for 95 percent of global deliveries. 98 percent, 93 percent, and 86 percent of the water jet, air jet, and rapier/sheet shuttle looms were shipped to this region.


The main investors in all three subcategories are China and India. These two countries accounted for 89% of the total loom deliveries. Bangladesh further played a significant role in the rapier/shuttle segment, accounting for 20% of global shipments.(try suntech weaving machine



Finishing Machinery

In the "fabric continuous" segment, stenter and washing (stand-alone) shipments increased by 34% and 0.6%, respectively. In the "fabric discontinuous" segment, roll dyeing/warp dyeing machine shipments increased by 35 percent. 2020 saw a decline in deliveries in all other machine categories in the finishing subsegment (i.e., continuous and discontinuous).


In the year 2020, global shuttleless loom shipments will decline by 16%. Shipments in the "air jet" and "rapier and projectile" categories are down 3% and 15%, respectively. Deliveries of water-jet looms are down 21%.


The main destinations for shuttleless looms in 2020 are Asia and Oceania, which account for 94% of global deliveries. Ninety-eight percent, 93 percent, and 81 percent of the global water jet, air jet, and rapier/sheet shuttle looms are shipped to this region. In all three subcategories, the major investor is China. Loom deliveries to this country accounted for 74% of total deliveries.(try suntech loom machine


Textile Machinery Market Forecast

The Asia Pacific, in terms of market share, accounted for 82.57% of the revenue in 2018 and is notable in the global textile machinery industry due to its market share and demand for textile machinery. The global textile machinery market is expected to grow at a CAGR of around 6.0% over the next five years to reach USD 55.42 million by 2024.


It can be seen that in the future, the textile machinery market potential is unlimited, according to the above information, the main supplier of global textile machinery is China, in recent years, China's textile machinery technology has advanced by leaps and bounds, also emerged many well-known textile machinery enterprises, including Suntech is world-renowned, has a 50-year history of Chinese textile machinery enterprises, and as early as decades ago, focusing on the field of intelligent machinery can specialize in We can provide finishing and handling storage textile machinery such as fabric inspection machines, fabric inspection, and packaging lines, shaft storage, shaft trucks, etc. We also integrate artificial intelligence into traditional textile machinery to optimize the functions of textile machinery and enhance its friendliness, applicability, and professionalism.(try suntech loom manufacturer







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